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Constructor Overloading in Java

Constructor overloading in Java is a technique of having more than one constructor with different parameter lists.

They are arranged in a way that each constructor performs a different task. They are differentiated by the compiler by the number of parameters in the list and their types.


class Student{  

    int id;  

    String name;  

    int  age;

//creating a two argument constructor  

    Student(int i,String n){  

    id = i;  

    name = n;  


//creating a three argument constructor  

    Student(int i,String n,int a){  

    id = i;  

    name = n;  



    //method to display the values  

    void display(){

                System.out.println(id+" "+name+" "+age);


    public static void main(String args[]){  

    //creating objects and passing values  

    Student s1 = new Student(111,"Kalyan");  

    Student s2 = new Student(222,"Ashraf",25);  

    //calling method to display the values of object  





In above example, there are two constructors with different number of parameters. Corresponding constructor is called depending on parameters using to initialize the object.

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