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Command-Line Arguments

A Java application can accept any number of arguments from the command line. The java command-line argument is an argument i.e. passed at the time of running the java program. The arguments passed from the console can be received in the java program and it can be used as an input.


class CommandLineEx{  

public static void main(String args[]){  

System.out.println("First argument is: "+args[0]);  



To run this java program, at least one argument must be passes from the command prompt.

javac CommandLineEx.java    //compiling

java CommandLineEx hai   //run

Example program to print multiple parameters:

class A{  

public static void main(String args[]){    

for(int i=0;i<args.length;i++)  




javac A.java  

java A Ashraf  Msc Mtech

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