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Java AWT Label

Label is used to display a single line of read only text. The text can be changed by a programmer but a user cannot edit it directly. It is called a passive control as it does not create any event when it is accessed. To create a label, we need to create the object of Label class.

public class Label extends Component implements Accessible  

Label class Constructors:

1.   Label()                          - It constructs an empty label.

2.   Label(String text)         - It constructs a label with the given string (left justified by default).

3.   Label(String text, int alignement)             - It constructs a label with the specified string and the specified alignment.

Label Class Methods:

1.    void setText(String text)                - It sets the texts for label with the specified text.

2.    void setAlignment(int alignment)   - It sets the alignment for label with the specified alignment.

3.    String getText()                              - It gets the text of the label

4.    int getAlignment()                          - It gets the current alignment of the label.

5.    void addNotify()                            - It creates the peer for the label.

6.    AccessibleContext getAccessibleContext()         - It gets the Accessible Context associated with the label.

7.    protected String paramString()       - It returns the string the state of the label.


import java.awt.*;   

public class LabelExample {   

public static void main(String args[]){  

    // creating the object of Frame class and Label class 

    Frame f = new Frame ("Label example"); 

    Label l1, l2;   

     // initializing the labels  

    l1 = new Label ("Ashraf.");  

    l2 = new Label ("Mohammad.");  

     // set the location of label 

    l1.setBounds(50, 100, 100, 30);   

    l2.setBounds(50, 150, 100, 30); 

     // adding labels to the frame   



     // setting size, layout and visibility of frame  






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