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    JPanel, a part of the Java Swing package, is a container that can store a group of components. The main task of JPanel is to organize components, various layouts can be set in JPanel which provide better organization of components. It does not have a title bar.

    Following is the declaration for javax.swing.JPanel class −

    public class JPanel extends JComponent implements Accessible

     Constructors of JPanel 

    1. JPanel(): creates a new panel with a flow layout
    2. JPanel(LayoutManager l): creates a new JPanel with specified layoutManager
    3. JPanel(boolean isDoubleBuffered): creates a new JPanel with a specified buffering strategy
    4. JPanel(LayoutManager l, boolean isDoubleBuffered): creates a new JPanel with specified layoutManager and a specified buffering strategy

    Commonly used Functions of JPanel 

    1. add(Component c): Adds a component to a specified container
    2. setLayout(LayoutManager l): sets the layout of the container to the specified layout manager
    3. updateUI(): resets the UI property with a value from the current look and feel.
    4. setUI(PanelUI ui): sets the look and feel of an object that renders this component.
    5. getUI(): returns the look and feel object that renders this component.
    6. paramString(): returns a string representation of this JPanel.
    7. getUIClassID(): returns the name of the Look and feel class that renders this component.
    8. getAccessibleContext(): gets the AccessibleContext associated with this JPanel.


    // Java Program to Create a JPanel with a Border Layout and Adding Components to It

    import java.awt.*;

    import java.awt.event.*;

    import javax.swing.*;

    class solution extends JFrame {

                static JFrame f;

                static JButton b, b1, b2, b3;

                static JLabel l;

                public static void main(String[] args)


                            f = new JFrame("panel");

                            l = new JLabel("panel label");

                            b = new JButton("button1");

                            b1 = new JButton("button2");

                            b2 = new JButton("button3");

                            b3 = new JButton("button4");

                            JPanel p = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());


                            p.add(b, BorderLayout.NORTH);

                            p.add(b1, BorderLayout.SOUTH);

                            p.add(b2, BorderLayout.EAST);

                            p.add(b3, BorderLayout.WEST);

                            p.add(l, BorderLayout.CENTER);



                            f.setSize(300, 300);




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